Klymatise your business

Introducing the Klymat Card

Klymat eliminates the need for that because everything expensed to the Klymat card has only one name.

Operating within their agreed and approved budgets your employees can only access services and facilities your mobility policy provides for. Payment for non-policy expenses are prevented.

Klymat Card
Business mobility solutions

Benefits to your business

Klymat EV Leasing

EV Leasing

Klymat Air Ticketing

Air Ticketing

Klymat Rail Ticketing

Rail Ticketing

Klymat Car Sharing

Car Sharing

Klymat Optimisation


Klymat EV Charging

EV Charging

How It works

Klymatise your business

Business mobility is, or rather should be, a very simple process. The complication arises when normally trustworthy people have to make decisions as to how they spend their employer’s money and then account for it.

Many hours are spent creating/justifying the best way to call one expense by another name.

Building your employee’s Klymat budget is the only way to effectively manage mobility costs.

Klymat will provide you with tariffs that cover every Mobility expense to assist with establishing budgets and will report against those on agreed time frames. These tariffs cover:

  • EV Car Leasing and Rental (short/medium/long term)
  • Ticketing (Rail and Air)
  • Car Sharing and Ride Hailing
  • Insurance for Car Usage
  • EV charging
A single payment method will cover all of these expense areas and will be proactively measured to eliminate misuse.